R&D Whale Splash Test for Undisclosed Project

It is early R&D test for one of the project. My friends Sriram and Ankit did the whale modeling and also created first pass of diffuse texture.
I did whale rigging and animation using CAT, water splash simulation done with glu3d gpu, Krakatoa for creating foam mask and frost for meshing and rendered with Mentalray.
Total particles 3.4 millions were simulated with glu3d gpu over 6 hours. In the beginning I used multiple simulation of 1 millions particles and merged them together with PRT loader but later I used 3.4 millions particles as an entire simulation. Rendering was done with mentalray with medium unified sampling settings, so you may notice a little AA flicker there.
Little CC is done in After Effects.

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Car Splashing in Muddy/Dirty Water

Here is new simulation done with glu3d gpu. 1.3 millions particles simulated in 2 to 3 hours. Meshing is done using Frost. Rendering is done with iRay in 3ds max 2012. Retiming and CC is done in AE.

Posted in R&D

Shower Simulation Tutorial for Glu3d GPU

Here is the video tutorial showing how I did fluid simulation using glu3d gpu for “Shower” video.

Posted in Tips & Tricks & Tutorial

Basic Layering and Masking with iRay in 3ds max 2012

In this post, I will talk about how we can achieve some basic layering and masking in iRay. In my last, shower scene I used this technique to balance colors on female head and also to create water drops on the model.

All I used was “composite” map with iRay. Yes, “Composite” map isn’t officially supported with iRay but it’s supported with “Addition” and “multiply” blending mode as well as we can adjust the opacity. And we can also use “color correction” map inside composite map.

Here is the sample image which I did using composite map to showcase basic layering in iRay.

Here, you can download the max zip file to understand the scene. I hope that helps with layering inside iRay.

Note : I didn’t use “noise” map as mask (in mix map to blend grass and dirt) becoz noise map was giving different pattern when used in displacement maps and in diffuse map slot. In both slot, noise map gave different output. So it’s best to use substance map or bitmap mask.

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Here is the final video of the Shower scene.

Shading, Lighting, Rendering and Water Simulation by me.
Textured head with morph targets by Sri Ram.

Some details :
Head modeled in max and sculpted,posed and textured in Mudbox
Water was simulated with glu3d gpu at 400 fps. (and it was fast at that fps to simulate)
Simulation took 2 hours (realtime) and the final rendering took 70 hours using iRay. Water meshing was done with Frost which was realtime.

and here is the viewport playblast :

Posted in R&D

Rain Test (meshed with Frost)

Testing out latest version of GLU Gpu. Rain is simulated with many tiny sources with 1 millions of particles. Simulation time was just within an hour and meshed with Frost. Final video rendered with mentalray and I used “HDR motionblur” shader which is 2d motion blur. I hope you will like it. :)

Posted in R&D

Calm Waterfall Test!

Here is the new test done with GLU3d GPU, simulated 3.1 millions of particles. Check out latest version of Glu3d GPU on www.3daliens.com which supports now exporting to PRTs.

Posted in R&D

Wheel Splash

I did one more test with glu gpu. This time I simulated 1.2 millions particles and it took around 1.5 to 2 hours for simulation. It was rendered again with iRay over night.

I first simulated for 100 frames and then changed scale in glu gpu to 50 to make speed half for simulation.

I hope you will like it.

Posted in R&D

Bubbles popping water splash in super slow motion

Here is the one more test with glu gpu. Rendered with iRay over 53 hours. Simulation time was 3 to 4 hours (for 700K more than around particles) and rendering took long becoz of slow meshing time which was 15 mins per frame maximum and 4 to 10 mins minimum. It was first simmed at 100 scale time and then reduced scale to 4.965 for super slow motion.

Posted in R&D

Milk Splash

Here is the new test with GLU GPU. This time I tried tearing effect of milk in slow motion.

Posted in R&D